Creating a good looking, professional email signature


A good looking email signature can have a positive impact on the people you message, especially if you have a call-to-action included such as visiting your website or promoting a sale with a direct link

The goods news is there are tools available online to help you make good looking signature.

General requirements

  • Any images you require in your signature uploaded to a 3rd party website.
    These are loaded on demand for the signature (such as logos, banners, etc) when you create a new email and allow you to change it at any time.
  • Create a base signature at
  • Paste the signature into your preferred email client.

If you would like to customize your signature by adding extra information or images after you have created it:

  • Edit the HTML of the signature with your preferred HTML editor that allows you to see code & results. I use
  • Additionally once you have the HTML code you can use Adobe's Brackets to edit your signature on your PC
  • Paste the signature into your preferred email client.

Q: My signature does not display correctly in Outlook
A: Make sure you did not paste it first in Gmail or a similar client and then copied it. They add their own CSS which displays incorrectly in Outlook


Extra reads that are not a must, many online sig generators deal with a lot of this